As Christian women of simple faith, we glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ by serving His Holy Church, St. Catherine's in many capacities, spiritually, socially, financially, and through the labor of our hands, to help maintain its presence in this place and time. We also strive to inspire one another to greater levels of faith, goodness and love.
The Ladies Guild at St. Catherin’s is small like our congregation, but we hope the help we offer the parish is much greater than our numbers. The Guld was established to unite all the women in the Parish in spiritual, religious educational and social activities, and to assist the pastor in those undertakings for the welfare of the parish. In laymen’s terms we have helped with and organized meals here at the church, purchases gifts for our pastor and children at Confirmation, given every high school graduate from the parish a small scholarship check at graduation.
Annually the guild organizes the Parish the Heritage Dinner (in celebration of our Patron Saint’s feast day) and the St. Patrick’s Dinner. The guild is instrumental in decorating the church and sanctuary for Easter and Christmas.
The guild meets approximately once a month from October through May right after Mass.
We would like to offer a personal invitation to each woman in the Parish to come to join our group. We do not ask for an obligation but we would love to see more faces at our meeting so we extend an invitation to all of you to come and join us.
Women's Guild Meeting Minutes of 12/7/2024For more information please contact. Roberta Bagley at [email protected]